About Us
Heng Ee High School’s Career and Counseling Club help members to know and understand themselves and the world of work in order to make career, educational, and life decisions. Through the weekly activities, members better understand the development and challenges of adolescence, equip themselves with communication skills hence establish a positive goal in life.
- 校徽:代表恒毅精神
- 书本:升学资讯
- 众人:团员互相扶持,团结一致。
- 学习自我探讨,认识自己。
- 帮助青少年更有能力面对青春时期的种种挑战,建立积极的人生目标。
- 协助学生在升学与生涯规划上,做出更合适的生涯决择。
- 学习沟通技巧,增强人际关系